Creepers. Who are they? Where do they come from? Do they think what they are doing is socially acceptable? Are there as many as girls claim, or are there just a few serial creepers? These are just a few of the many questions I have about creepers that need to be answered. Although I feel like girls sometimes exaggerate their creeper stories, the facts are simply undeniable: there are creepers among us. While this fact is great for story material, it however has produced a dangerous side effect in the mind of this writer— the possibility that I am a creeper. Am I that guy who girls complain about to their friends? When I said hi to that girl in my class last week, was that creepy? If I tell a girl “nice outfit” am I shamelessly hitting on her? My susceptibility to paranoia has caused me to overanalyze every action I make, constantly evaluating the creepiness of it. To battle this phenomenon, I have taken five effective, yet drastic steps to be the anti-creeper. 1. Don’t say hi to anybody
2. Pretend like you know nobody’s name already, even if Facebook has unwantedly told you
3. If you see a girl outside of class, act like you have never seen her before in your life
4. Never ask a girl out on a date
5. Avoid eye contact with all members of the opposite sex
Although I have now succeeded in my goal of being the anti-creeper, I have now become the biggest social recluse of BYU. Maybe I should just become a creeper…
B. Rust, it is time for you to head South for a little pep talk. I miss our long discussions in my living room while Alvie squirmed in his seat. Come 'home' soon so we can formulate a new social plan for you. Yours is no bueno.